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Home » 2010 » November » 12 » A-PDF Screen Video Capture v1.3.0 REPACK
1:04 PM
A-PDF Screen Video Capture v1.3.0 REPACK
A-PDF Screen Video Capture v1.3.0 REPACK

A-PDF Screen Video Capture v1.3.0 REPACK | 12 Mb

You can record your PC applications to demonstrate a product, create a presentation, make a tutorial, or perform a web site review. You have a choice to record the full desktop screen or single application window. The program creates high-quality,small-size video files.

A unique feature of Screen Video Capture is the ability to capture the audio from your speakers and the microphone at the same time. This means you can record Internet chat applications.
The complete set of A-PDF Screen Video Capture features include

1. Support 4 recording types: specified window, full screen, fixed size, fixed region.
2. Support recording audio sync from computer and microphone.
3. Video/Audio codec parameter adjustable.
4. Support hotkeys to start or stop recording.
5. Support setting timer to start/stop recording automatically.
6. Support customizing video file names.

Save Time

* Customize look and feel and publish your video!
* Easy to learn and operate.


Category: Software | Views: 546 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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