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Home » 2010 » November » 5 » AceMoney v4.8-ARN
10:41 AM
AceMoney v4.8-ARN
AceMoney v4.8-ARN

AceMoney v4.8-ARN | 3.49 Mb

AceMoney helps people organize and manage their personal finances quickly and easily. It supports all the features required for home or even small-business accounting needs.

- Manage multiple accounts of different types
- Create and manage budgets
- Track performance of investments
- Do your financial math in multiple currencies
- Track your spending habits and see where the money goes
- Enjoy the convenience of on-line banking
- Don't miss the next deadline for bills
- Double check
- Plan debts and mortgage payments
- Do e-business with AceMoney

- Updated Bloomberg data source
- Added Move to account option to the context menu
- Improved investment transaction import from OFX
- Fixed order of columns in the calendar bills dialog
- Added support for Charles Schwab
- Added total line to the investment performance report
- Improved autonumbering logic for the automatic bills
- Added support for Regions Bank
- Added support for Fidelity Investments
- Added another online provider for Bank of America


N.B: Scene release by ARN
Category: Software | Views: 423 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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