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Home » 2010 » November » 16 » AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus 7.2.0
8:54 AM
AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus 7.2.0
AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus 7.2.0

AceReader Pro Deluxe Plus 7.2.0 | 9.7 Mb

AceReader is referred to as reading improvement software, reading assessment software, online reader software, reading fluency software, vision training software, and speed reading software.

Educators are choosing AceReader for the following reasons:

* Improves students' reading speed, fluency, and comprehension.
* Assesses students' reading level.
* Paces eye movement using tachistoscope technology.
* Provides easy automated courses that include Tests, Drills, and fun Games.
* Helps students at all grade levels from elementary school to college prep and higher education.
* Allows teachers to easily track students' progress.
* Allows teachers to customize content with readability formulas.
* Builds on research-based techniques that work.
* Receives numerous industry awards and honors.


Category: Software | Views: 418 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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