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Home » 2010 » November » 26 » Aimersoft Video Studio Express 1.2.0
12:13 PM
Aimersoft Video Studio Express 1.2.0
Aimersoft Video Studio Express 1.2.0

Aimersoft Video Studio Express 1.2.0 | 17.7 MB

This little gem of video editing tool is a big favorite among digital video editing beginners. As an easy yet powerful video editor, it permits you compile any movie or video projects regardless the size and format in a few simple steps. It can also enhance the looking of your video with stylish movie effects, scene transitions and background music.

* Combine multiple different formats videos into one
* Simple to split one large video into several segments
* High ability to import and export any format videos
* Offer numerous special effects and scene transitions

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Category: Multimedia | Views: 467 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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