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Home » 2010 » September » 28 » Alien Skin Bokeh
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Alien Skin Bokeh
Alien Skin Bokeh
Information about the software
Title: Alien Skin Bokeh
Category: Programs
Year: 2010
File Size: 41 Mb

About the program: The company Alien Skin Software has released a new plug-in Bokeh ™ compatible with many image editors, such as: Adobe Photoshop ® CS3 or later, Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0.1 or later, Adobe Fireworks ® CS4, Corel ® Paint Shop Pro ® Photo X2. It allows you to not buying expensive lenses, such as a Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 II and Nikon 105mm f/2.8 Macro, to achieve an excellent blur effect to focus the viewer on a selected object. The plugin is designed for professional designers, but very easy to handle and therefore available even to novices.
Alien Skin Bokeh new plug-in for Photoshop, designed to draw attention to a particular object in the photo. With this supplement you can add effects to the image depth of field, make a stand, or emphasize the main object of other available means. Feature of the plug-in that it closely mimics the effect of blurring, which can be obtained using these lenses. Bokeh - a focus on the main site photos.

Alien Skin Bokeh allow during post processing photos with the adjustment sliders to "manage" blur the background, set the diameter of the impact, depth, stiffness, aperture, focal length and distance shots. Since the plug-in allows you to change these parameters during the post-processing, that is already on the finished image, thus it can offset some of the disadvantages of digital cameras.
Allows real time viewing the possible results when working with images, and in several modes.
Offers a ready-made presets blur simulator lenses Canon ® EF 85mm f/1.2 II, and Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8, adding grain, spherical aberration, the photometric illumination (simulates the effects of shooting against the light source.)

Bokeh 2 works fine with 64-bit CS5 Photoshop! Bokeh is now faster and has a new progressive system of preview / clarifications. All this makes it even easier for experimenting and creating beautiful images. Bokeh 2 has a tight integration of Lightroom, which supports batch processing.

The main characteristics of Bokeh 2:
• New: Speed! Bokeh sports a super-fast user interface that gives you real-time feedback as you change any control. Bokeh takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores in order to run fast on modern computers.
• New: Lightroom and 64-bit Photoshop Support. Bokeh two runs as a Lightroom plugin (external editor) and does not require Photoshop to be installed. Bokeh 2 will also run on 64-bit Photoshop for both Windows and Macintosh platforms.
• New: Settings Enhancements. Bokeh comes with a slew of new factory presets to help you get great results fast. These presets are grouped into meaningful categories and you can combine presets from different groups to create your own customized effect.
• New: Creative Lens Optics. Bokeh 2 provides many more lens simulation capabilities, including the simulation of motion-like optics found in specialized tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh 2 also simulates traditional fast lenses and also allows you to easily create artistic aperture shapes.
• New: Real-time Preview. Bokeh sports a super-fast user interface that gives you real-time feedback as you change any control.
• New: Multiple Regions. Bokeh allows you to combine multiple radial and planar shapes for more control over your focus region.
• New: Grain Matching. When Bokeh is applied to a grainy photo, the blurring process will remove the existing grain structure of the image. The grain matching features allows you to replace the missing grain.
• New: Vignette Enhancements. In addition to the darkening vignetting effect, Bokeh also provides a bleaching (desaturation) control to remove color in the vignette area. It also has the ability to apply the vignette to an area independent of the blur area.
• Realistic Depth-Of-Field Simulation. Bokeh allows you to turn an f/22 shot into an f / 1 by applying that smooth creamy blur found only in high-end fast lenses.
• Creative Aperture. Create fanciful shapes like stars and hearts in the highlights of your photographs.
Bokeh is a Photoshop plug-in that lets you manipulate focus just like expensive fast lenses. Accurate simulation of real lenses gives photo-realistic distinctive blurring and creamy highlights.
This product features an unlockable demo. If you already have the demo installed on your system, you can purchase a license code to immediately turn it into the full product.
Bokeh is a Photoshop plug-in that lets you manipulate focus just like expensive fast lenses. Accurate simulation of real lenses gives photo-realistic distinctive blurring and creamy highlights. Get creative with full control of a radial sweet spot and vignetting, just like expensive tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh can even render heart-shaped highlights!
Bokeh ™ is almost here!

We are putting the finishing touches on Bokeh, our lens simulator Photoshop plug-in filter.

Host requirements
Bokeh is a plug-in and will require one of the following host programs:
• Adobe Photoshop ® CS3 or later
• Adobe Lightroom 2 or later
• Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 or later on Windows
• Adobe Fireworks ® CS4
• Corel ® Paint Shop Pro ® Photo X2

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Category: Software | Views: 506 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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