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Home » 2010 » November » 11 » Angry Birds HD v1.4.2.for Ipad
2:02 PM
Angry Birds HD v1.4.2.for Ipad
Angry Birds 
HD v1.4.2.for Ipad

Genre:Arcade | Year:2010 | Platform:IPAD | File format:Ipa | Language:English | Size: 16.81mb

Hit number 1 on the screen of your Ipad

Operating system: iOS 3.0 or higher (for iPAD)
Angry Birds-game for a long time, ranking number one in the top of sales, is now on Ipad. Playing for the birds, very angry at why some green pigs that put on the brink of extinction of our birds, stealing them is not born offspring ie eggs for what they'll have to pay. Svinyushki understood how they made a mistake, entrenched in the castle, but to the evil birds is not a barrier, armed with a super slingshot they begin to retaliate. The game contains 150 levels, which can only pass mixing logic and brute force. Starting to play the Angry Birds Make sure that the next 3-5 hours you do not have any important business.


Category: iPad iPhone iPod Touch | Views: 451 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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