Astronomical Atlases & Maps 2011 MULTiLANGUAGE | 5.58 GBCollection
of astronomical atlases and maps, from simple maps to atlases of the
constellations with the Stars 13th velechiny star.
I. Moon maps and atlases
Map of the Moon, and a good detailed map of the moon.
map of the Moon, showing the 100 most interesting objects for observation. jpg-format the card and exel-in list of objects
The moon. The next card lunyFormat
Atlas of the Moon. unfortunately not complete, only 45 of 140 cards to other cases I do not know, but all the fun is.
Again NG_Moon_1999 map of the Moon, this time both hemispheres. on the other side too many interesting and worthy of study.
Moon5Panel. (Map of the Moon), spicy and a mirror (not inverted) map of the moon.
luny2 Domestic atlas-brochure on the moon. contains descriptions of the
satellite, the size, distance to the ground, a detailed description of
the relief and much-much more very interesting.
Map luny3. highly detailed map of the moon.