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Home » 2010 » September » 1 » Blumentals.Net 2010 AIO Pre-Activated
4:55 PM
Blumentals.Net 2010 AIO Pre-Activated
Blumentals.Net 2010 AIO Pre-Activated

Blumentals.Net 2010 AIO Pre-Activated

The package is containing the following products:

1-Blumentals HTMLPad 2010 :

HTMLPad is an agile, flexible, powerful and easy to use text-based XHTML, HTML, CSS and javascript editor with good set of features and powerful tools.

Special code writing features enable you to instantly create and edit HTML, XHTML, CSS, javascript and PHP code, while integrated tools allow you to easily validate, reuse, navigate and format your code.

2-Blumentals WeBuilder 2010 :

WeBuilder is a agile, flexible, powerful and easy to use HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP and other web document editor with good set of features and powerful tools.

3-Blumentals Rapid PHP 2010 :

Rapid PHP is an agile, flexible, powerful and easy to use code editor designed for PHP, HTML, CSS, javascript and other web document editor with good set of features, powerful tools and UTF-8 support.

4-Blumentals Rapid CSS 2010 :

Rapid CSS is a powerful and easy to use text-based XHTML, HTML and CSS editor with good set of features and powerful tools

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Category: All In One | Views: 376 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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