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Home » 2010 » November » 12 » BricsCad Pro 11.1.14 Portable
12:52 PM
BricsCad Pro 11.1.14 Portable
BricsCad Pro 11.1.14 Portable

Bricscad - based on IntelliCAD - is the the 2D and 3D CAD platform by preference for users who want to extend their number of professional CAD seats or just want to replace other to expensive CAD seats. Bricscad V10 reads and writes the native DWG format and offers compatibility with AutoCAD 2010. Bricscad V10 has a very recognisable intuitive user interface and requires no extra training.

* Associative Dimensions
* Reference Edit
* Mtext Editor
* Quick Select
* Wipe Out
* Performance improvements
* BRX API: recompile and run existing ARX code without adaptations
* Added DIMREGEN command to update the locations of all associative dimensions
* LAYON, LAYOFF, LAYFRZ, LAYTHW, LAYLCK, LAYULK, LAYISO, LAYUNISO commands in new layer utilities toolbar
* TXTEXP command for exploding text
* AUDIT command
* XATTACH command for attaching xrefs
* Statusbar has been reimplemented. The statusbar is now customizable
* Documentation: Check out the new command reference, included in the help. The developer reference is brought up to date to the V9 COM interface

* Native DWG 2007 file format
* Support for AutoCAD versions 2.5 to 2009
* CUI menus and toolbars
* ECW image support
* Fast LISP engine with +450 VLAX functions support
* Full ADS/SDS support
* New highly compatible COM API
* BRX/ARX support

* Powerful Drawing Explorer
* Dockable Properties Bar
* Consolidated Settings Manager
* Customize dialog and editor
* Full ACIS (3D solids) modeling
* Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Size (RAR): 146 Mb
2% recovery record

Download BricsCad Pro 11.1.14 Portable

Category: Protable | Views: 465 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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