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Home » 2010 » November » 12 » BricsCad Pro v11.1.14 Portable
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BricsCad Pro v11.1.14 Portable
BricsCad Pro v11.1.14 Portable
BricsCad Pro v11.1.14 Portable | 139 Mb

Bricscad is the powerful DWG-alternative CAD platform that enables DWG-based applications and offers a complete and recognizable feature set to professional users.

Other benefits:
Enabling applications
Thanks to the extended list of compatible API's available (LISP, SDS, COM, BRX), Bricscad V10 is now chosen by more than hundred of application developers so far to port their AutoCAD® based application to. Each application extends Bricscad V10 feature set to a new level.

Enabling solutions
Applications in main domains, such as AEC, GIS, Mechanical and Civil Engineering lift the Bricscad platform to the highest professional level. With a constant growing number of available engineering applications the Bricscad platform offers real solutions for the job to be done.

Enabling choices
By enabling DWG based solutions in every engineering domain Bricsys now finally can offer freedom in the decision process. As from Bricscad V10 on, the DWG world does have a real choice. Bricscad V10 combines professional engineering solutions with a fair and transparent pricing model, and a user friendly upgrade policy.
Worldwide presence
Bricscad is worldwide leader in DWG alternative CAD. Bricscad V10 - today available in 13 languages - offers an international platform for applications. Bricsys - the company behind Bricscad - assists developers actively with the porting of regional and international applications. Together with the application developers, Bricsys is building an international DWG based engineering community.

High quality support
In addition to its technological strength, Bricsys delivers high quality support to each user, each developer, every day and everywhere. Bricsys’ customers are leaders in their field and require a zero tolerance support. Bricsys eliminates barriers between its technical teams and the users of its products. Bricsys customers - anywhere on the globe - can communicate their support requests directly with the Bricsys support team.

Version 11.1.14 - 08/11/2010
DRAWING EXPLORER, Layers: arrow keys can now be used to scroll and preview the content of layers.
DRAWING EXPLORER: drag-and-drop of multiple items now also works when clicking in the Name column. Previously, when clicking a cell in the Name column, all other rows were deselected thus making it impossible to drag multiple items.
PRINT: improved the speed of getting/setting print settings.
SR26414 - WBLOCK: suggested file name in WBLOCK dialog uses the name of the block.
SR26765 - CUI: WIPEOUT command has been added to the Draw menu. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K has been added for the HYPERLINK command.

SR24525 - SNAP TRACK: snap to track entity could fail after switching off layers.
SR25746 - PRINT: user-provided image failed to print on HP DesignJet 100.
SR26416 - LAYOUT SWITCH: switching to a layout that contains a viewport with zero dimensions is handled gracefully now (instead of crashing).
SR26508 - PRINT: after printing from the print dialog, the Bricscad main application window lost the focus.
SR26509 - MTEXT: disabled edit of multiple mtexts using the Properties Bar (introduced in 11.1.11) because it caused undo problems.
SR26672, SR26651, SR26732, SR26827 - SELECTION: when selected, entities on locked layers were highlighted but their properties were not displayed in the properties bar. The entities remained highlighted till the next regen.
SR26762 - RENDERING: material was rendered black during software-based rendering when blend factor for diffuse map was different from 100%.
SR26840 - PRINT: Print Quality setting for HP DesignJet printers reverted to default value in PC3 files.
PRINT - PC3: on 64-bit systems, switching to another printer in the PC3 editor, led to a crash.
SR26661 - mouse-wheel zooming did not work with tilt (non-notch) wheel mice.
SR26870 - PdfUnderlays hangup on browsing the saved path in Drawing Explorer.
LOCALIZATION: 'Key" string required different translation depending on the context.
COM: Sample plot application batch_plot.dvb did not load.

Application Development
GRIPS: sssetfirst did not highlight entities if GRIPS is Off, though the entities were added to the current selection set.
MATCHPROP: left preselected (pickfirst) entities in the current selection set if selecting of a single entity was cancelled.
COM - CAcadViewport::get_Center() was fixed.
LISP: function (equal obj1 obj2 tolerance) did not respect the tolerance, leading to failing comparison of doubles.
SR23281 - JIG: mechanism sometimes ignored mouse clicks when called from custom user interface like dialog or custom panel button if the current cursor position triggered entity snapping.
SR25329, SR25925 - DCL: an edit_box lost-focus callback could be triggered before the dialog was fully initialized. The lost-focus callback must only be triggered by user actions, not indirectly by initialization. This issue was fixed by preventing the callback during initialization phase.
SR25737 - OSMODE: when editing a solid by dragging, some OSMODEs triggered a crash.
SR26211 - BRX/DRX: implemented getClosestPointTo() for OdDbLeader.
SR26469, SR26769, SR26777, SR26781, SR26894 - LISP: during load of initial drawing, when on_start.lsp, on_doc_load.lsp etc. contained (command "_menuload"), or (command "_insert"), these commands were not executed.
SR26579 - BRX: getPointAtDist() did not respect the tolerance when working with splines.
SR26583 - LISP: improved (getenv) and (setenv) functions to use configuration settings from \\Config with priority over environment variables.
SR26583 - LISP, SDS, BRX: improved (getfiled), sds_getfiled(), acedGetFileD() functions. When multiple extensions were used like in (setq fname (getfiled "New File" "c:/" "lsp;txt;doc" 1)) those multiple extensions appeared as a combined entry rather than as separate entries in the file type listbox.
SR26666 - DCL: if the callback of a dcl edit_box moves the focus to another control, a lost-focus callback could be triggered inside a callback in response to hitting Enter. From now on responding to a lost-focus is disabled while inside the callback on Enter of a dcl edit_box.
SR26718 - getProfileNameFromFile() returned true even if it failed to find the profile name.
SR26855 - COM: when trying to change PatternScale or PatternAngle for a Solid hatch, an error was thrown.
SR26860 - DCL: alignment=top, aligment=bottom did not work in a column.
COM: GUIDS for V11 are now different from V10.

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