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Home » 2011 » March » 27 » IMOLD V10 SP3.1 Premium for SolidWorks
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IMOLD V10 SP3.1 Premium for SolidWorks
IMOLD V10 SP3.1 Premium for SolidWorks
IMOLD V10 SP3.1 Premium for SolidWorks 2007-2011 | 520 MB

IMOLD - a module for automatic construction of forming surfaces of the punch and matrix for the design of molds in SolidWorks. CAMD software module for automatic construction of forming surfaces of the punch and matrix for the design of molds in SolidWorks, from the pioneer in the field of the same software company Manusoft Technologies Pte. Ltd.
System requirements:
* SolidWorks Version 2007 - 2011 Win32 & Win64 Editions
* Graphics 1024x768 resolution with minimum 32768 colours
* Disk Space 5GB free
* Memory 1GB + RAM (2GB recommended)

To date, the designers of molds, using products SolidWorks Corp., Have a fairly wide range of partners, the company developed specialized applications that can help in this work. Deserve mention block libraries and other components of the molds, and packages MoldWorks SplitWorks. But beyond all the advanced Singaporean Manusoft TechnologiesPte Ltd. It offers one of the most complete package for designing molds, which will certainly be useful to users of SolidWorks. This package, called IMOLD, consists of a series of interconnected modules that help the designer step by step to design the mold at all stages.

Singapore's Manusoft Technologies Pte. develops and powerful, but at the same time easy to use 3D application for automated Mold Design (CAMD). Its main strategy is focused on introducing advanced technologies to address Design industry of precision instruments and their development. The company constantly strives to maintain a competitive advantage through the use and application of new technologies in software bespechenii.

Year: 2011
Version: v10 sp3.1
Developer: Manusoft Technologies Pte. Ltd
Platform: Windows (32 & 64bit)
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: Multilanguage
Medicine: Yes

IMOLD V10 SP3.1 Premium for SolidWorks

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