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Home » 2010 » November » 15 » IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 17.2
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IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 17.2
IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 17.2

IMSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 17.2 | 278.42 MB

In TurboCAD Pro you will find many of the most advanced technologies in the industry: 3D ACIS® Modeler from Spatial, D-Cubed™ 2D DCM constraint manager from Siemens Industry Software Limited, the Redsdk drawing engine for GPU-accelerated 2D and Wireframe display modes from Redway3d®, and LightWorks photorealistic and non-photorealistic artistic rendering capabilities from Lightwork Design. The Platinum product includes all of the advanced features necessary for both architectural design and more specific mechanical design tasks. In prior years the TurboCAD product series included specific Mechanical and Architectural Editions. With the release of version 17, we have combined those advanced features into a single product — Platinum, as many of these tools' capabilities were applicable to a variety of tasks.

In addition to including all the tools found in TurboCAD Pro the Platinum version includes additional advanced mechanical and architectural design tools such as:

•Easy to use Quick Pull tool
•Advanced Pattern Constraints
•History enabled editing of ACIS objects
•Numerous parametrically controlled modifiers
•Advanced Parametric Parts, and parametric symbols including the Weld Tool, Adhesive Tool, and newly updated Geometric Tolerance Tool
•Comprehensive door and window styles, now with Window Muntins
•Parametric Stairs, and enhanced Rails and Rail Styles
•New x,y,z data input in the Terrain Tool
•And so much more

Because of the breadth of mechanical and architectural tools, the Platinum Edition also is perfectly flexible for users whose projects cross disciplines:

•Designer-builders and Contractors
•Electricians and Plumbers
•Sturctural and HVAC Engineers
•Plant Designers
•And more!

TurboCAD Pro Platinum functionality can of course be extended through one of the many plug-ins for TurboCAD such as Animation Lab, CAM, Furniture Maker, or the Beam Analysis Tool. In addition, there is a Software Developers' Kit (SDK) for TurboCAD Pro to allow you to create your own tools and customize behaviors.

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