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Home » 2010 » November » 24 » Liberty BASIC Workshop v4.9.5
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Liberty BASIC Workshop v4.9.5
Liberty BASIC Workshop v4.9.5

Liberty BASIC Workshop v4.9.5 | 3.2 Mb

Liberty BASIC Workshop is a complete integrated development environment for programming in Liberty BASIC.


Multiple file creation and editing.
Allows creation of multi-module projects via an 'include' directive.
Open files, or preview in Code Explorer.
Optional extended syntax coloring, which is fully customizable by the user!
Allows user to create custom keyword list.
Allows user to specify custom comments to be inserted as desired, or optionally added to new code windows.
Includes optional prompt for comments when closing file.
Optional line numbers in left margin.
Optional indentation guides.
Ability to split editing window into two panes.
Ability to zoom size of text in editing windows at the touch of a button.
Block indent/outdent.
Block comment/un-comment of code.
Tabbing in edit windows, includes option to set tab size.
Optional auto-indent in editor, indents loops, if-blocks, subs and functions. Adds closings automatically: "end if" to "if" blocks, "wend" to "while" loops, etc.
Optional highlight of current line.
Code lines may be bookmarked.
Bookmark directive auto-sets bookmarks.
Includes a tool to list all variables.
Online syntax help is available. Just type a keyword (or highlight a keyword) and press F4 to pop up a syntax help box.
Syntax Viewer that allows you to scroll through a list of all LB commands and functions to find what you need.
Quick keyword insertion... just press F2 and scroll through the choices.
'Goto Line' tool.
View or hide toolbars.
File insertion capabilities.
Statusbar provides pertinent messages plus NUM-LOCK, CAPS-LOCK and INS status.
Allows a user-defined helpfile to be run from the help menu.
User-defined hot button on toolbar. You can designate up to 10 external applications to run.
Accepts drag/drop files.
Run, Tokenize and Debug Liberty BASIC Code.
Recent files menu.
Run MS applications from within LB Workshop.
Snippet library.

Gui Builder
Gui builder/code generator with snap-to grid.
Gui controls are actual controls, not graphic representations, so you will see them exactly as they will appear in your program. Click to add a control at the mouse location, or click and drag to draw the control.
Gui builder allows choice of options such as tooltips, statusbar and timer to be added to generated code. Also includes a menu editor.
Gui builder contains a statusbar editor that allows you to specify text and add panels.
Visible grid can be turned on or off.
Controls can be locked into place.
Code for GUI can be created for GUI alone, or as code plus outline with stubs for event handlers.
Supports API controls, including statusbar, tooltips, trackbar (slider), tabstrip, listview and treeview, with full code for creation and management of these controls.

Tools and Wizards
Game Workshop allows you to create outline code for sprite games with just a few clicks of the mouse.
API function wrapper library.
Library of 32-bit printer API functions.
Variable Listing Tool.
Stylebits Wizard.
Snippet Manager.
API Texteditor Template Window.
Includes icon editor/changer. Create icon files, or extract icons from DLLs EXEs or ICLs. Save icons to disk or include in the runtime engine (LB3 only). Can even extract a portion of a bitmap to use as an icon.
Toolbar Maker creates Windows toolbars with tooltips! It automatically creates the toolbar bitmap for you in the proper format. You can choose to create a new window, or add the toolbar to an existing window.
Wav MIDI Previewer makes it easy to preview music files and copy them to a different directory.
Three color helpers -- RGB color previewer, Windows color dialog, and LB named color previewer.
Bitmap Previewer, with the ability to generate a "loadbmp" list and copy bitmaps to a different directory. Also allows bitmaps to be saved in 24-bit format.
Gives your programs JPG support in Bitmap Previewer; includes custom JPG DLL.
Media Previewer, with the ability to generate the Liberty BASIC code to play the media files, and to copy the files to a different directory.
AVI Maker - create your own animations from bitmap files!
Packaging wizard. It automatically creates a list of needed runtime files, which you can modify as needed. It will create a "Package" directory in the root directory of the TKN and copy all files to this directory, renaming run.exe to match the name of the TKN. Includes the option to create a zipped archive of distribution files.
Custom Installer for your Liberty BASIC programs is included in the Packaging Wizard. It creates an installation package, including a setup.exe, and uninstall.exe. The installer creates optional shortcuts on the desktop and startmenu, and it installs your program's files into the directory chosen by the user.
Sprite mask-maker with batch processing capability.
MessageBox maker.
Array maker.
Menu maker.
ASCII - VK_Code previewer.
Font dialog preview.
Optional 'Tip of the Day' window.


Category: Software | Views: 529 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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