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Home » 2010 » November » 13 » MasterWriter v2.0 (MAC OSX)
6:41 PM
MasterWriter v2.0 (MAC OSX)
MasterWriter v2.0 (MAC OSX)
MasterWriter v2.0 MAC OSX UB-DYNAMiCS | 190 MB

Songwriting, Lyric Writing, Poetry and Creative Writing Software. Masterwriter is simply the most powerful collection of writing tools ever assembled in one program. Whether you’re writing a song, a poem, or a novel, MasterWriter will unlock all the English language has to offer, to help you express yourself in a more unique and meaningful way.

Why struggle to find the right word or phrase, when you can have all the possibilities in an instant. MasterWriter 2.0 is the most remarkable software program ever developed for the creative writer. Its unique features, together with an amazing array of searchable reference dictionaries, provide the creative writer with everything he or she needs in one easy to use program. In a competitive world where good is rarely good enough, use MasterWriter to consistently create the exceptional.

OS version: OSX
Processor type(s) & speed: PowerPC G4 1.42 GHz or better or Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz
RAM minimum: 512
Video RAM: n/a


Category: Software | Views: 456 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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