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Home » 2010 » October » 7 » Maxon Cinema 4D R12 Studio
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Maxon Cinema 4D R12 Studio
Maxon Cinema 4D R12 Studio
Maxon Cinema 4D R12 Studio | 800 Mb

A complete, professional solution for creating and editing three-dimensional effects and objects, which gives the designer all the tools necessary for high-quality rendering and animation.

Company MAXON Computer GmbH was founded in 1986 and initially specialized in the production of professional journals on computer technology, production equipment and software development. MAXON today is developing solutions to work with three-dimensional graphics, and is one of the leading companies in this industry.
The leading product MAXON Computer GmbH - a family of software CINEMA 4D. This package is an animation system of production and editing three-dimensional objects. In 1991, Christian (Christian) and Philip Lesh (Philip Losch) create predecessor CINEMA - program FastRay - for the computer platform Amigo. Christian and Philip created a program of three-dimensional computer graphics in which you could do, and animations - another dimension, and not long doubted by adding another yedinichku to normal abbriviature 3D release was published in 1993 under the package name familiar to us CINEMA 4D. While also only for computers Amigo.
However, already in 1994, it becomes clear that while Amigo and Atari have passed, and the development team rushes to new heights. In 1996, CINEMA 4D 4.0 comes out for both platforms, Windows, Macintosh, and Alpha NT.

Others demanded software MAXON Computer GmbH - BodyPaint 3D - solution for creating textures. Development companies are characterized by high speed and reliability of operations, advanced technologies editing three-dimensional images.

A brief overview of the main features of the program Maxon Cinema 4D:

- Communication
The program is compatible with various formats: raster, vector, optsialnymi, formats of 3D-editors, animation and compositing. CINEMA 4D can directly produce project files Adobe After Effects, Discreet Combustion, Apple Final Cut, Apple Shake and Eyeon Fusion.
- Parametric and polygonal modeling
The main original forms are available in CINEMA 4D as primitives, whose properties are easily modified. Parametric objects are converted, if desired ranges, the tools work on polygons allow you to view the results of the changes in real time. The user can create polygons with any number of faces.
- Painting
CINEMA 4D has an extensive set of tools to control the texture with layers, filters and tablet support. MultiBrush technology enables you to create multiple texture maps in a variety of channels of the material simultaneously and immediately view the result. Brush can define not only color but also material.
- Simulation of the background
Projection Man is a tool for the development of three-dimensional scenes, the so-called 3D-Matte-Painting. This function works with a combination of simple geometry, the projection of the camera and drawing tools and BodyPaint 3D or Adobe Photoshop.
- Creation of materials
Material system MAXON CINEMA 4D lets you control the color settings, diffusion, transparency, reflection, environment, fog, terrain, alpha, glow, replacement, lights, and others.
- Handling UV
The program helps to qualitatively expand the geometry of the object using the map coordinates of UV.
- Setting up coverage
MAXON CINEMA 4D forms a different light sources, types of shades and combinations thereof. In addition, as the light source can be individually configured to any object.
- Visualization
The system is characterized by high speed imaging and image quality. Maximum image size CINEMA 4D reaches 16,000 x 16,000 pixels. Are supported by multi-pass rendering, and ligaments with many programs for compositing. Adaptive smoothing of faces is working with 256 one-time oversampling, and the user is provided with different optimal algorithms. CINEMA 4D can calculate the animation of interlaced and progressive formats or OpenEXR HDR.
- Animation
MAXON CINEMA 4D includes various features three-dimensional animation. The simplest of them - automatic entry keys. In this mode, all changes are recorded automatically.
- Use of Graphics Expressions XPresso
Function determines how the behavior of objects from each other.

The core modules of the software solutions CINEMA 4D:

In addition to the basic program, which includes a standard set of tools for modeling, texturing, rendering and animation, are available for the purchase of components, including additional tools and features.

- Advanced Render
Enhanced visualization of scenes, the creation of volumetric objects (clouds, smoke, fog, etc.).
- BodyPaint 3D
Tools for creating UV unwrapping and texture maps. (With R10 is included in the basic module)
- Dynamics
Module to simulate the dynamics of hard and soft bodies.
Module for creating hair
The module is designed to work on character animation. Includes a system simulation of tissue, morph, different deformer, tools to create a barn, and much more.
- MoGraph
The module is designed to generate and animate objects. Sharpened to create an animated design.
- NETRender
The module allows you to calculate the animation network of computers.
- PyroCluster
Tools for creating volumetric effects. Smoke, dust, etc. (with the R10 is included in the module Advanced Render)
- Sketch and Toon
The module allows you to create nefotorealisticheskuyu render the scene.
- Thinking Particles
The module includes a control system nodes particles.

The most important changes and additions to the Maxon Cinema 4D R12:

- New Dynamics
CINEMA 4D now has a versatile and easy to use system dynamics of solids based on well proven engine Bullet. Solid bodies, soft bodies and numerous opportunities to connect objects to each other connectors are also unique in its kind, as an option allows you to change the shape of objects of the pressure of the air.
- In-line process
Setting a linear process in the CINEMA 4D R12 is possible with just one click. Thus, light and color will be computed natural, but also require fewer light sources, and a lower quality setting - as a result you will get better images with less effort.
- Color profiles
The program now fully supports color profiles. This applies to the shaders and textures on one side and displayed on the monitor as well as to the result of rendering the other.
- Light Sources IES
With these light sources IES can recreate natural lighting lamps of different manufacturers. Also supported by the photometric parameters of light such as lumens, candela, and color temperature.
- Manager rendering
Calculating the multiple scenes in a row now seems a much more convenient. You may later choose different camera and render settings, and check the active thumbnail image.
- Picture Manager
Multilateral manager image received in this version has more features. Histogram display, navigator for larger images and full-screen playback of animation.
- New tools for the creation of characters
Inverse kinematics has now dynamic qualities. CINEMA 4D Studio provides a new, highly productive tool PoseMorph mixing of different functions.
- New deformer
Also new are the various deformer that can be used for modeling and animation. They provide new ways of bringing objects to the form.
- These units
4D now supports real units. Using these objects can be used in other scenes in the correct scale.
- Python
Python programming language is now fully supported and allows users to extend the CINEMA 4D additional functions or scripts.


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