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Home » 2010 » October » 21 » Nvidia DirectX 11 Convert Desings [x86/x64] Update (19.05.2010)
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Nvidia DirectX 11 Convert Desings [x86/x64] Update (19.05.2010)
Nvidia DirectX 11 Convert Desings [x86/x64] Update (19.05.2010)

Nvidia DirectX 11 Convert Desings [x86/x64] Update (19.05.2010) | 52.87 Mb

DirectX 11 - The second step to find new core system and graphics!

Basic encoding and elaboration of DirectX 11 Nvidia 9xxx / 2xx/3xx
Nvidia DirectX Convert 11 (from Desings)
A set of basic information about DirectX 11 for Vista and XP Service Pack 3
Development of the converter for Windows Vista, XP SP-3, Windows 7 build 7100 and 7600.
Most effectively reduce the burden Video systems operating Vista/XP/Win7
But the most CPU uses PC while reducing the load GPU (only Series GeForce 2xx/98xx)
Since the conversion is designed for those video cards.
Allows you to see all the beauty of Crysis Warhead, and other games.

Softer physics objects.
Including components of Windows 7, the balance of tones, colors, the effectiveness of video systems on the drawing 1-degrees of texture.
Including V-Ray DX11 from Desings, shiny objects, reflections in mirrors and other ..
The rate of migration from the package of textures to the CPU and DDR, and only then to the GPU. The standard scheme was as follows (GPU - CPU - DDR)
Compatible with the latest driver for Nvidia GeForce 9 (185.xx) and ATI (ATI Display Driver 8.612 and above)
Recommended processor with 2 and 4 cores for optimal and fast work ...
About the video card ATI has a series of unknown ... so sorry .. very good job at integrating Intel Graphic Video Card

Additional features
DirectX 11 has a lot more interesting innovations than we consider in this review, but do not want to finish the article without mentioning two further functions of the new API.
Conservative oDepth

Typically, developers have to disable the Z-structures and algorithms, when there is a write shaders in the depth buffer via register oDepth. Conservative oDepth feature in DirectX 11 allows shaders to write to the depth buffer in the redistribution of this reserved area. This allows the hardware to avoid significant losses in productivity, allowing the use of acceleration outside the specified area.
Limit for textures in 16K and binding textures

DirectX 11 raises the limit on the maximum size of the textures with 4K to 16K, as well as provides control binding MIP-LOD to limit the number of mipmap-levels that are loaded into the GPU.

Developer: Microsoft
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (x86/x64)
License: Free
Size: 52.87 Mb

Category: Software | Views: 522 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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