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Home » 2010 » August » 30 » Opera Mini 5.0.18635
12:23 PM
Opera Mini 5.0.18635
Opera Mini 5.0.18635
Opera Mini 5.0.18635 | 1.17 MB
Opera Mini is a special kind of browser that delivers compressed Web pages from Opera's servers, and as a result, browsing is fast and data use is reduced to about 10% of what you would normally use.

There has been feedback from many users asking how to maximize the benefits of Opera Mini on iPhone. We want to point out a few ways that you can really benefit from Opera Mini


For most browsing, Opera Mini is a great alternative to using Safari. But how is Opera Mini different than Safari? Here are a few features unique to Opera Mini:

Find what you are looking for, with ease
Find in Page lets you quickly find text in lengthy web pages.

Go back and forth, as fast as you can tap
Opera Mini saves recent pages in memory so that going back to previously viewed pages takes almost no time at all.

Keep your data backed up and in sync
Opera Link backs up bookmarks and speed dials on Opera's servers, and lets you keep Opera Mini synchronized with Opera on your computer [/b]-- at no additional cost.

Read easily, with no side-scrolling
Text wrapping makes it easy to read web pages without having to zoom out or pan from side to side. The browser fits the text to the screen just right.

Be kind to your eyes
Adjustable font size means that it's easy to make the text large for less eyestrain -- and Opera Mini reflows the text so that you still don't have to scroll from side to side to read.

Make the most of your iPhone's screen
A Fullscreen setting lets you use more of your screen for viewing Web pages, and still have easy access to controls you need.
Category: Mobile | Views: 486 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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