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Home » 2010 » November » 11 » Phoenix Service Software 2010.38.005.44210 Cracked
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Phoenix Service Software 2010.38.005.44210 Cracked
Phoenix Service Software 2010.38.005.44210 Cracked

Phoenix Service Software 2010.38.005.44210 Cracked | 137.7 MB
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New Version of the software Phoenix. This utility software supports Nokia CDMA, GSM, TDMA, and WCDMA products.

Major Release of this Version Includes:
• DK2 driver version
• Nokia Connectivity Cable USB driver version
• Pack Flash
• FLS-X driver version 2.9.1928
• Comm Manager FUSE version 2020.40.2.563.0

New Products Added:
• RM-717, RM-730, RM-726, RM-727, RM-728, RM-680, RM-697, RM-720, RM-719, RM-609, RM-610, RM-714, RM -735, RM-721, RM-722, RM-715, RM-698, RM-679, RM-691, RM-699, RX-1990, RM-640, RM-662

New Features
• The Phoenix interface button added Product Active Media. Changing the type of connection between FBUS and USB is now possible to install separately, without opening the connection manager FUSE.
• New version of Manager connection FUSE
• The new version packs Flash
• New versions of the products and tools for API
• New version rf_losses.ini 50 avtonastroek
• The user interface of printing labels, added the change and view the Factory and SourceFactory.
• Support for new format of the SIM Lock 3
• Added new option "SW Reset" to ensure the recovery of non-performing devices. SW Reset software update without using the BIOS file and it will try to keep user data to the maximum extent possible.

NOTE: Modern methods of software updates in Phoenix now, same as in Nokia Care Suite:
- Refurbish: The software will be updated on the selected files. Data will be deleted. At the same time is mandatory to have installed on your computer files of firmware, otherwise the process will be completed by the firmware.
- Update Software: Update Software. Data will be saved.
- Reset Software: Software upgrades and reset to factory settings. Some user data may be lost.

• New interface multiflash para SW Reset and Restore User Product renamed Update SW
• New user interface controls GPS, rany interface test can still be found under "Quick Test"
• Support for Windows 7 32 bit (64 bit versions are not supported)

Version 1 29.10.2010 Initial version

New version of Phoenix service software is available. This multi-protocol service software supports Nokia CDMA, GSM, TDMA, and WCDMA products.

Please Note:
• For all Tucson activities, use of components included in this release is enough, please do not use any previously released Tucson - related dll? S or add on packages
• Tucson activities will not work after 5: th of October unless you use Phoenix version 2010_24_8_43820 or newer

Main Component Versions in the Release:
• DK2 Driver Version
• Nokia Connectivity Cable USB Driver Version
• Flash Update Package
• FLS-x Drivers Version 2.09.28
• FUSE Connection Manager v 2020.40.2.563.0

New Products Added

• RM-717, RM-730, RM-726, RM-727, RM-728, RM-680, RM-697, RM-720, RM-719, RM-609, RM-610, RM-714, RM -735, RM-721, RM-722, RM-715, RM-698, RM-679, RM-691, RM-699, RX-1990, RM-640, RM-662

New Features
• Product Active Media - button added directly to Phoenix UI. Changing product media between FBUS and USB is now possible without opening FUSE connection Manager separately.
• New version of FUSE connection Manager
• New version of Flash Update Package
• New versions of Product and Instrument API
• New rf_losses.ini version 50 for autotune
• Changes for viewing Factory and SourceFactory country list in Label Printing UI
• Support for new SIM Lock format 3
• New Option "SW Reset" added to provide an optimized way to revive malfunctioning device. SW Reset updates software without using content files and it will try to preserve user data as much as possible.

NOTE: Current options for software updating in Phoenix are now the same as in Nokia Care Suite:
- Refurbish: Software will be updated with required content files. User data will be deleted. It is mandatory to have the content files installed on PC, otherwise Refurbishment process will be terminated. Before refurbishing, ensure that you back up user data with PC Suite.
- Update Software: Updates software. User data will be preserved.
- Reset Software: Updates software and resets settings to the factory defaults. Some user data can be lost.

• New multiflash UI that supports SW Reset and Restore User Product is renamed Update SW
• New GPS Control UI, earlier test UI can still be found in "Quick Test" tab
• Support for Windows July 1932 bit Operating system (64 bit version is not yet supported)

NOTE: To be able to use the help files in Windows 7 you need to install Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows 7. Ways to locate WinHlp32.exe:
- Start Phoenix with online connection to Internet, select "Help" and "Phoenix help". Click the "Microsoft Help and Support" website link. Download WinHlp32 and install it.
- Go to Type "WinHlp32" to "Search" - field. Locate Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows 7 and install it

Error Corrections & C hanges
• Improvements to Label Priting. Values given by user were earlier improperly read with some XML configurations
• PhoneInfo message timeout increased to 3 seconds to prevent problems for phones requiring long delay
• Obsolete menu items removed (Manual CU-4 Initialization etc)
• Improvements to phone information reading
• Improvements for CU-4 use and connectivity
• Corrections to Genius cases 161643, 167808, 163697, 162448, 163501, 163500, 167002
• RM-216 flash problem (file exists but not found) corrected
• Energy management IBAT Calibration improvements
• Improvements to USB dead phpne flashing
• Improvements to CU-4 connection without attached phone
• Changes to Tucson components for phones with "USB Only" - service concept (RM-596 etc with no FBUS connection available). Further improvements in next Phoenix releases enable Tucson operations without prommer.

- Product Code changes for USB Only - phones (RX-1951, RM-596 etc) work only when used with FPS-21 Flash Prommer and USB connection from prommer rear panel to phone. Please select USB as Product Active Media
- Do not use "Flash" option simultaneously with product code change for USB Onbly phones, flash phone separately with Firmware Update

• Software downgrade with Tucson system is only possible for BB 5.0 products supporting the Data Package 2 concept.
• Flashing with setup FLS-5, SS-46 and product specific adapter is not supported anymore
• If you install old DCT-4 data packages, Flash Update Package File installation path may be wrong. This is caused by very old DCT-4 data packages which contain Flash Update Package and overwrite current information during installation. If you experience problems when updating FPS-x prommers, please check that Phoenix "Prommer maintenance" is looking for the files from the correct location which is "C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Nokia \ Tss \ Flash". If not, Phoenix will show error "Update via ini - file failed". In this case, select "Update" from that Phoenix "Prommer maintenance" - UI, browse to correct directory and select "fpsxupd.ini" for all other prommers except the FPS-8.
• Refurbishment flashing and product code change for RX-1951 product requires SX-4 card to be available
• FPS-21 flashing for RX-51 works only with TCPIP connection. FPS-1921 prommer with new HW version is needed to correct this, and it is estimated to be available by the end of 2010
• Please refer to product specific documents and instructions concerning the limitations of the RX-51 product
• RX-51 flashing does not work when CU-4 is used
• RX-51 Product Coie changes work only without FLASH option, please flash phone separately
• When version 2010_12_8_42304 or newer with FUSE connection manager is installed on top of older Phoenix versions, there may be an additional delay of several minutes when you start Phoenix for the first time. Please wait patiently; Phoenix will start after configuration is finished.
• When using Data Package download functions with online connection, download times may occasionally be long. This is not caused by Phoenix (or Care Suite). The download speed from online servers is occasionally is known to be slow, depending on how data is buffered on caching servers. • Note concerning the installation and use with Administrator and User rights:
- If you install Phoenix, start Phoenix and configure connections from FUSE connection manager as Administrator, you may not be able to start Phoenix after you log off and try to use Phoenix with User Rights afterwards
• If you experience the above mentioned problem:
- Log on as Administrator
- Deleted Fuse folder and its contents from: C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Nokia \
- After this Fuse's connection list will be empty and it can be used directly with guest / admin rights.
- This has to be done only once.
• After you close Phoenix, it may not restart. To rectify this:
- Use Windows Task Manager to manually shut down phoenix.exe and FuseService.exe processes, or optionally restart your PC
• Mass memory content file flashing does not work for all products over USB, FPS-10 or FPS-21 Flash Prommer must be used!

If you have Phoenix External 2007.4.6.170 or older you must uninstall it before installing this release.

1. Download Phoenix_Service_Software_2010_38_5_44210.exe application file to your computer (eg C: \ TEMP).
2. Close all other programs and detach all phones and prommers using USB connection from PC. Connect them after Phoenix is installed or updated
3. Run Phoenix_Service_Software_2010_38_5_44210.exe and follow instructions on the screen to install Phoenix Service Software
4. Connect a dongle (PK-1, PKD-1, FLS-4S, FLS-5) when message appears on the screen
5. If you are prompted to update any existing driver or file versions, select "yes".
6. Depending on the operating system, the PC may require rebooting.
7. Allow Windows to register the Phoenix components.
8. Open Phoenix, use FUSE to configure connections depending on the tools you use
9. If you use CU-4, please pair the connection with service adapter by selecting "pair with service adapter" - option
10. Update your prommer with the latest software included in this installation package.
11. Install and use the latest available product specific data packages or flash bundles

Supported Operating Systems and User Rights
• Windows XP Service Pack 1 or higher
• When installing Phoenix into Win XP you must have local admin rights.
• When using in Win XP, user must have power user rights
• Windows in July 1932 Bit version

For HW & Tool requirements please refer to Service Repair Processes documents
For information on product specific data packages, tools and instructions please refer to service manuals and technical bulletins.

Category: Software | Views: 832 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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