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Home » 2011 » June » 26 » Photopus 1.1
4:15 PM
Photopus 1.1
Photopus 1.1
Photopus 1.1 8,64 MB

Photopus - the program for batch operation of images which will help you to convert, change quickly the size to transform, retouch, rename, add effects to various images. Instead of editing each image separately, you can work with several images at once.

By means of the program you can пакетно change the size of photos, using already ready templates with the most popular sizes. To turn and overturn images. To cut off and rename. To change a format of images (including multipage PDF, TIFF). To adjust DPI. To apply special effects, such as black-and-white, сепия, stamping, borders and many other things. To adjust brightness, contrast, balance of color etc.

The program interface is simple and clear. It is necessary for processing of images only 3 steps: to Add photos, to Add filters, to Receive result. You can look through results of processing of images on each step of work. Options it is possible to keep for последуюущей works.

Are supported more than 60 formats, включпя BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF, TGA, PNG, ICO, PDF, PDF/A, PSD, WMF, EMF, JBIG, JBIG2, WBMP, PICT, PCT, JNG, JPEG 2000, PIC, ICB, VDA, VST, PDD, WAP, WBM, EXR, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, CUR, CUT, DDS, DIB, FAX, HDR, IFF, BIE, JBG, JB2, JIF, KOA, LBM, MNG, PCD, PCX, PFM, PGM, RAS, SGI, RLE, XBM, EXIF, JTIF etc. the multipage format Also is supported.

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