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Home » 2010 » November » 16 » Ptfb Pro 4.0
8:53 AM
Ptfb Pro 4.0

Ptfb Pro 4.0 | 6.8 Mb

PTFB (Push the Freakin 'Button) to automate work if you have to constantly and regularly to press certain buttons in various dialogs. Similar work (after appropriate adjustment) will be able to perform for you PTFB. Push The Freakin 'Button Pro (PTFB Pro) - a tool for automatic control of windows and other windows confirmed that disconnect you from the workflow. PTFB Pro will operate quietly in the system tray without taking you away from important matters.

Boost Productivity with Macros - the Easy Way

* Increase productivity
* Point & click interface - no complex scripting
* Deal with interruptions automatically
* Automate repetitive tasks
* Keep software running smoothly
* Assists you with tasks or works unattended
* Logs all actions taken on your behalf
* Share tasks between networked computers
* Highly configurable

Assorted cosmetic tweaks and fixes.
- Change to the default delay for screenshots (up from 0 to 1/10 sec)


Category: Software | Views: 461 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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