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Home » 2011 » March » 27 » Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11.0 Build 185
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Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11.0 Build 185
Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11.0 Build 185
Raxco PerfectDisk Professional 11.0 Build 185 | 84.7 MB

Program to defragment your hard drive. Optimize their work with the file, MFT table, as well as the physical location on your hard disk files and directories. To for what would to begin to defragment a disk, you should select the disk itself and press the start button. In its work, the program displays a graphical changing table, in which real-time defragmentation process. The data in this table are displayed as colored squares, the color decoding which can be viewed in the main window of PerfectDisk. It is worth noting a rather quick work of the utility. This is due to the fact that using single-pass defragmentation method based SMART hard drive data. Can not only defrag drives, but also with the network, in this case to ease the job profiles of network planning and defragment completely customizable logging work. Supported work with RAID-volumes.

Key features:
� Official certification from Microsoft
� PerfectDisk Command Center - the most complete tool for managing, configuring and working in different conditions
� Support for storage of large volumes
� Technology SMARTPlacement - a patented method to optimize defragmentation strategies, reduces the total time and resources involved
� Space Restoration Technology - Technology for the optimization of free space as large blocks
� Built-in scheduler to automate virtually all kinds of operations
� Patent-pending Resource Savert - technology to speed defragmentation
� The mode smart "screensaver"
� Defragment files and free space in one pass
� Intelligent load control on the processor and I / O
� The need for less than 5% free space to work
� Defragment individual files
� Perfect Management - a means to integrate with Active Directory
� Perfect-Time - identifying restrictions for work and increasing automation
� Ability to work from the command line with a similar graphical interface capabilities
� Collaborate with the version of PerfectDisk for Microsoft Exchange and automatic defragmentation in different modes
� Automatically update the components through the Internet

Released: 2011
Platform: Windows All x86/x64
Language: English
Medicine: Yes

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