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Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) 720p BluRay x264 - DEFUSED
The Genetic Opera (2008) 720p BluRay x264 - DEFUSED
Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) 720p BluRay x264 - DEFUSED
x264 AVC1 MKV 1280x696 4891 kbps | English: DTS 1536 kbps 48 KHz | 97 min | 5578 MB
Genre: Horror | Musical | Sci-Fi

Repo! The Genetic Opera is a 2008 American rock opera-music
al film cult classic directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. The film is based on a play written and composed by Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich.

The film opened in a very limited release on November 7, 2008 on seven screens: in Pasadena, Chicago, Mobile, Charlotte, Kansas City, Toronto (November 21-27) and Ottawa.

The film took in $3,250 per screen on its opening day. A 22-track soundtrack was released online on September 30, 2008, with an extended version containing 38 tracks released almost exclusively for download on February 20, 2009. The DVD and Blu-ray were released January 20, 2009.

To coincide with the film's release, Bousman, Smith, and Zdunich, as well as various cast members, did a touring version of the film. Principal cast and crew also did extensive Q&A sessions following each screening. Because of strong ticket sales, a second and third touring session were added, in addition to a British tour across four locations. A Repo! Road Show was announced on January 28 in 10 cities. This show was similar to the Repo! Road Tour, except it was almost completely fan-run.

Song listing:

In the film, the following songs are performed:

1. "Depraved Heart Murder at Sanitarium Square"
2. "Genetic Repo Man" - GraveRobber and chorus
3. "Crucifixus"
4. "The Prognosis"
5. "Things You See in a Graveyard (Part 1)" - Rotti and Mourners
6. "21st Century Cure" - GraveRobber, Gentern on air-raid siren, and Shilo (Shilo's part is only in the movie)
7. "Shilo Wakes" - Nathan and Shilo
8. "Infected" - Shilo
9. "Nathan's Story"
10. "Legal Assassin" - Nathan, Marni, and Ghostly whispers
11. "Lungs and Livers" - GeneCo Chorus
12. "Mark It Up" - Genterns, Amber, Luigi, and Pavi
13. "Tao of Mag (Part 1)" - Mag and Chinese chorus
14. "Rotti's Story"
15. "Things You See in a Graveyard (Part 2)" -Rotti
16. "Limo Ride" - Rotti and Shilo
17. "Thankless Job" - Nathan and Repo victim
18. "A Ventriloquist's Mess"
19. "Tao of Mag (Part 2)" - Mag and Chinese chorus
20. "No Organs? No Problemo!" - GeneCo chorus
21. "Largo's Little Helpers" - Child chorus
22. "Genterns" - Genterns and Pavi
23. "Luigi, Pavi, Amber Harass Mag" - Luigi, Fair patron, Gofers, Mag, Amber, Pavi, and Rotti
24. "Seeing You Stirs Memories (Part 1)" - Rotti
25. "Blind Mag's Story"
26. "Seeing You Stirs Memories (Part 2)" - Rotti and Mag
27. "My, What Big Scissors You Have" - Announcers and Shilo
28. "Housecall" - Rotti (spoken)
29. "Inopportune Telephone Call" - Nathan and Shilo
30. "Before the Escape"
31. "GraveRobber and Shilo Escape" - GraveRobber and Shilo
32. "Zydrate Support Network" - News reporter and Rotti
33. "Worthy Heirs?"
34. "Zydrate Anatomy" - Zydrate addicts, GraveRobber, Shilo, Amber, and Genterns
35. "Disposal Crew" - Disposal crew
36. "A Dump Truck Home"
37. "Who Ordered Pizza?" - Luigi, Pavi, Nathan, Rotti, and Amber
38. "Night Surgeon" - Nathan, Rotti, Henchgirls, Luigi, Pavi, and Genterns
39. "The Visitor"
40. "Chase the Morning" - Mag, Shilo, and Marni
41. "Everyone's a Composer" - Mag, Nathan, and Shilo
42. "Come Back!" - Nathan and Shilo
43. "What Chance Has a 17 Year Old Girl" - Nathan and Shilo
44. "Seventeen" - Shilo and Chorus
45. "Pre-Happiness"
46. "Happiness is Not a Warm Scalpel" - Amber and Rotti
47. "Gold" - Rotti
48. "Nathan Discovers Rotti's Plan" - Nathan and Shilo
49. "Tonight We Are Betrayed" - Nathan
50. "At the Opera Tonight" - Shilo, Mag, Nathan, Amber, GraveRobber, Rotti, Luigi, Pavi, and chorus
51. "Bloodbath!" - GraveRobber
52. "Not Your Parents' Opera"
53. "We Started This Op'ra ****!" - Band leader, Genterns, Luigi, Pavi, Single mother, Rotti, Opera audience, and GeneCo chorus
54. "Interrogation Room Challenge" - Rotti
55. "Blame Not My Cheeks" - Announcer, Amber, Eunuch valets, and GeneCo chorus
56. "Chromaggia" - Mag
57. "Mag's Fall"
58. "Pièce De Résistance" - Rotti
59. "Let the Monster Rise" - Nathan and Shilo
60. "A Ten Second Opera"
61. "Sawman's Lament" - Rotti, Luigi, Pavi, Shilo, Nathan, and Opera audience
62. "The Man Who Made You Sick" - Rotti, Shilo, and Nathan (connected with "Sawman's Lament")
63. "Cut the Ties" - Rotti, Luigi, Shilo, and Pavi
64. "Shilo Turns Against Rotti" - Shilo, Rotti, and Nathan (connected to "Cut the Ties")
65. "The King is Dead" - Rotti (spoken)
66. "I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much" - Shilo and Nathan
67. "Genetic Emancipation" - Shilo and chorus
68. "Epitaph" - GraveRobber and Zydrate addicts
69. "VUK-R" - Katie Fitzgerald (end credits)
70. "Repo Man" - Pavi (end credits)
71. "Needle Through a Bug" - GraveRobber, Shilo, and Chorus (deleted scene, end credits)
72. "Bravi!" - Mag, Luigi, Pavi, Rotti, Amber, and Genterns (deleted scene, end credits)
73. "Aching Hour" - Mag (end credits)

Cut songs

Bits and pieces of some of these songs were used in the film. Most of the songs' scenes were entirely cut (*).

1. "Crucifixus" - Mag and Ghostly Whispers (used as the screen closes in to GeneCo; instrumental version used in film)
2. "Bravi!"* - Mag, Pavi, Luigi, Rotti, and Amber (end credits, a commercial that would have been used before "Mark It Up"; heard briefly between "Infected" and Nathan's Story)
3. "Tao of Mag" - Mag (a commercial starring Mag that promotes the Genetic Opera; heard briefly between "Mark It Up" and Rotti's Story)
4. "Can't Get It Up if the Girl's Breathing?"* - Amber, Eunuch valets, and GraveRobber (Amber telling GraveRobber that there are other ways to pay for Zydrate; would have succeeded "Housecall")
5. "Come Up and Try My New Parts"* - Amber (Amber's attempt to seduce GraveRobber to get out of paying for Zydrate; comes after "Can't Get It Up")
6. "GraveRobber and Shilo Escape" - GraveRobber, Shilo, and Amber (GraveRobber and Shilo escape from the Italian festival; alternate version used in film, Amber not included)
7. "Buon Giorno"* - Rotti, Pavi, Luigi, and Genterns (Genetic Opera greeting; would have come after "We Started This Op'ra ****!")
8. "Rotti's Chapel Sermon"* - Rotti (the scene was reedited to make up "Interrogation Room Challenge"; succeeds "Buon Giorno")
9. "Needle Through a Bug"* - GraveRobber, Shilo, and Chorus (deleted scene where Shilo must pass another of Rotti's tests; succeeded "Rotti's Chapel Sermon") and plays entirely during credits
10. "Aching Hour"* - Blind Mag (Mag sings about her imminent death during the Renaissance festival; plays entirely during credits)

The Genetic Opera (2008) 720p BluRay x264 - DEFUSED


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