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Home » 2010 » November » 12 » ReportMill Studio v12.2010.11.02 MultiOS
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ReportMill Studio v12.2010.11.02 MultiOS
ReportMill Studio v12.2010.11.02 MultiOS

ReportMill Studio v12.2010.11.02 MultiOS | 2.3 Mb

ReportMill is the best Java application reporting tool available for dynamically generating reports and web pages from Java applications in formats such as PDF, PostScript, HTML, Flash, Excel and more. ReportMill combines an easy-to-use page layout application and a powerful Java API in a single compact jar file, which is remarkably easy to integrate into your custom Java application.

Embedded Reporting
Running as Java code inside your application, ReportMill seamlessly harvests data directly from any Java dataset, whether EJBs, POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), Java Collection classes, JDBC ResultSets or any combination of these. This is much more efficient than traditional reporting tools, which often require developers to repackage existing Java datasets as the original SQL query, then force a redundant refetch and some potentially risky inter-process communication.

This architecture also provides unique access to custom business logic found in the developer's object model, providing a significant savings by reusing this code instead of forcing a rewrite in proprietary template macro languages.

Powerful Design Application
ReportMill is the only reporting tool built on top of a comprehensive page layout application. This ensures that almost any page or report design can be accommodated and also makes template design more intuitive for anyone who has made a newsletter or "For Sale" sign in any of the popular page layout applications.

Simple API
Most developers need to call only three lines of ReportMill API. Since ReportMill harvests data from any Java dataset using reflection and common collections interfaces, there is no need to write any binding/feeder code, implement any interfaces or create any datasource objects.

// Load template from any Source (File, String path, InputStream, byte array, etc.)
RMDocument template = new RMDocument(aSource);

// Generate report with EJBs, POJOs, Java Collections, JDBC ResultSet, etc.
RMDocument report = template.generateReport(myJavaDataset);

// Get PDF (or HTML, Flash, Excel, XML, etc.)
byte pdf[] = report.getBytesPDF();

Simple Integration
All of ReportMill is contained in a single, compact Jar file, ReportMill.jar. Simply merge this with your application or copy it to the class path of your deployment machine and any application can generate a report from any Java code with any Java dataset.

XML based template design
Template design in ReportMill is easy: simply draw the elements of your report using the powerful page layout application. Data binding is simple and powerful - just drag & drop an XML file into an empty ReportMill document to get a keys browser. Drag & drop the keys from the browser to design dynamic parts of your report. Key substitution uses the familiar mail-merge paradigm (eg, "@myKey@"), making it easy to mix keys and text. Drag & drop "Dataset Keys" (keys that represent a set of objects) to form tables, graphs or data matrices.

PDF, PostScript, HTML, Flash, Swing, Excel Output and More
ReportMill supports more output formats than other reporting tools. Other output formats include CSV, JPG, PNG and XML.


Category: Software | Views: 466 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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