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Home » 2010 » November » 16 » TinkerTool System 2.5 Mac OSX
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TinkerTool System 2.5 Mac OSX
TinkerTool System 2.5 Mac OSX
TinkerTool System 2.5 | Mac OSX | 5.3 Mb

TinkerTool System Release 2 is a collection of system utility features helping you in performing advanced administration tasks on Apple Macintosh computers. The application makes use of a self-adapting user interface which automatically adjusts to the computer model and to the version of Mac OS X you are running. All options available in the current situation are accessible via "panes”, very similar to the techniques you already know from the System Preferences application. The features are controlled via a single window which allows you to use the application as a general toolbox and First Aid assistant. This includes:

built-in maintenance features of Mac OS X, usually not visible on the graphical user interface,
extended file operations, not available in the Mac OS X Finder,
the possibility to access advanced system settings which are not visible in System Preferences,
genuine and unique features of TinkerTool System, designed to resolve typical read-world problems of administrators and to fix the effects of certain defects ("bugs") in the operating system.

Together with its sister program TinkerTool which is available at no charge, TinkerTool System is a perfect substitute for the following types of system utilities:
Finder enhancers,
Cache and font cache cleaners,
Tools to access hidden preference settings,
Applications to make objects invisible in the Finder,
Internet browser privacy protection tools,
Programs to control the Macintosh startup chime,
Tools to remove international language support files,
Log file browsers,
Application deinstallers,
Service menu control programs,
Spell-checker dictionary editors,
and many others.

TinkerTool System contains all these functions, and much more, but at a reasonable price, and with proven quality. Click on the items in the menu above to learn more about the program and its features.

Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
Mac OS X Server 10.5 or later.

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Category: Software | Views: 427 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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