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Home » 2011 » September » 28 » Twitterrific 4.4 Mac OSX
3:01 PM
Twitterrific 4.4 Mac OSX
Twitterrific 4.4 Mac OSX
Twitterrific 4.4 Mac OSX
Mac OS X | 4.69 MB
Announcing the immediate release of Twitterrific 4.4 for iOS and Macintosh. This latest update to our popular Twitter app includes support for displaying unwrapped URLs, a change to the ‘Load More’ button that allows timeline gaps to be filled in, improvements to the new Tweet Marker feature we recently added and much more.

The Twitterrific 4.4 update is free for all users. Some of the notable highlights include:

Unwrapped links are displayed in the timeline whenever possible
Load More button now loads missing tweets that occur in timeline gaps
Tweet Marker support for lists to sync properly with Tweetbot
Tweet Marker saved when Mac is put to sleep, wakes up or links clicked
Shift-spacebar for previous tweet (opposite of spacebar)
Fixed a bug in landscape mode preventing profile actions from working
Plus lots more iOS / Mac

Link for more information:

Twitterrific 4.4 Mac OSX




Category: Software | Views: 535 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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