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Home » 2010 » August » 30 » UC Browser 7.0 for iPhone + Generic version 7.0.143 for Nokia
12:04 PM
UC Browser 7.0 for iPhone + Generic version 7.0.143 for Nokia
UC Browser 7.0 for iPhone + Generic version 7.0.143 for Nokia
UC Browser 7.0 for iPhone + Generic version 7.0.143 for Nokia
"UC Browser is a mobile browser that works on almost any phone."
UCWEB is a both web and WAP browser based on the JAVA and Intelligence mobile phone, which accesses the wireless Internet by CMNET and CMWAP. It supports to review the standard html and wml files, and the majority of web javascript, meanwhile it will compress, customize, and optimize the downloaded text and pictures for the best display. By the UCWEB central server, it will offer the surprise speed to review and the data compression rate is up to 80%, which all makes users fresh!

Browsing function
Are you boring with a dull WAP site? Are you upset with the blank display in a wap site? UCWEB will change all those problems on the mobile Internet! with UCWEB, you can not only visit WAP site quickly, but also the colorful WEB sites fluently, to enjoy the pleasantness of wireless thoroughly.

Navigation function
Wireless is more colorful! Information, entertainment, community, forum, blog, it’s all we have. Site navigation service recommends excellent internet sites and hot sites to you! Click! click! click! It’s so easily to access the site. Opening the site you want quickly, reading what you like, and listening what you love.

Search function
Don’t doubt the voluminous information can be searched on your mobile phone! With UCWEB, you can do it! UCWEB offers various search engines, such as Baidu, Google, Yicha, to satisfy your desire of searching the whole Internet. UCWEB supports to search by sort, such as web pages, MP3, pictures, maps,etc

Media function
Online media playback function is available in UCWWEB . You may watch the hottest TV channels and the splendid original video clips and listen to the latest popular songs on your phone with UCWEB.

Download function
Beautiful pictures!MP3!Characteristic phone ring tone! UCWEB lets you get all you want. The powerful download function makes your download easily, and which make you save time and cost.

Category: Mobile | Views: 623 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 3.0/1
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