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Home » 2011 » September » 25 » WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.4 + Unicode
5:59 PM
WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.4 + Unicode
WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.4 + Unicode

WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.4 + Unicode | 10 MB
WYSIWYG Web Builder - Software for creating Web pages, which automatically creates HTML-code at a time, you simply place the objects, ie HTML knowledge from you all is not required. Just drag and drop objects anywhere on the page. After this will only upload to your server, with built-in tool "Publish." It has practically all possibilities of MS Frontpage, but it contains much more tools to work with objects (images, text, tables, etc.). With WYSIWYG Web Builder Web page on the Internet will have exactly the same form as on a PC, regardless of the browser.

Key Featues:
- No knowledge of HTML
- Drag and drop objects anywhere in the HTML-page, anywhere
- Customizable menus, toolbars, tabs, etc.
- Support for creating form fields
- Wizard to create forms for the four stages. Choose from a dozen forms of the perfect
- Rich text support: size, fonts, colors, links, etc.
- Support for ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player, Quicktime, Real Audio and other plug-ins
- Built-in editor dlyasozdaniya photo gallery, with many functions
- Built-in editor for creating banner ads
- Create image maps (Image maps)
- Setting up and editing the scrollbar for your Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Create navigation bars, tabbed navigation, slide menus, etc.
- Ready to use language javascript
- Support of templates. Available more than 100 templates!
- Inserting special. Character
- Support for creating slide shows
- Import existing HTML-pages
- Built-in support for creating pop-ups (Popup-windows)
- Create a drop down menu navigation
- Search and replace text facilities
- Graphical tools: brightness, contrast, nsyschennosti, color, etc.
- Image effects: black and white, negative, sepia, blur, sharpen, noise, etc.
- Drawing tools
- Create a RSS-Feed
- Sitemap Generator for Google
- And much, much more ...

Changes in WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.4:
- Fixed: jQuery DatePicker adds 'ghost' element to the page.
- Fixed: Font selection in SlideMenu, Tab Menu and Navigationbar.
- Fixed: Quoted font in SiteSearch
- Fixed: Style manager strikethrough / underline generates invalid CSS.
- Fixed: Apostrophes removed when pasting plain text.
- Improved: Menubar structure will be hidden until javascript is executed.
- Improved: Creating a new object with zero size will automatically be removed.

Category: Internet | Views: 492 | Added by: zxtu | Rating: 0.0/0
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