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Matir Moyna DVDRip.torrent


MoVie NaMe-------[ Matir Moyna (The Clay Bird)
DirecTor---------[ Tareque Masud
ReLEASE DaTe-----[ 2002
GeNRe------------[ Drama|History
InfO LiNk--------[ Official site/
Rippar-----------[ Unknown
ViDeo------------[ MPEG-4 Visua|XviD|913 Kbps
AuDio------------[ MPEG Audio|MP3|112 Kbps
RUNTiME----------[ 01:34:33
RESOLUTiON-------[ 608X336
SiZE-------------[ 700 MB
LANGUAGE---------[ Bangla
SUBS-------------[ English
SouRce-----------[ DVD9
OveRall BiT RaTe-[ 1 035 Kbps
Set against the backdrop of the turbulent period in the late 1960s leading up to Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan, The Clay Bird tells the story of a family torn apart by religion and war. Anu, a shy young boy from rural East Pakistan (Bangladesh, as it is now known) is sent away by his father Kazi, an orthodox Muslim, to a madrasa or Islamic school. Far from his family and the colorful pagan festivities of his village, Anu struggles to adapt to the school’s
harsh monastic life.

As the political divisions in the country mount, an increasing split develops between moderate and extremist forces within the madrasa, mirroring a growing divide between the stubborn but confused Kazi and his increasingly independent wife, Ayesha.

These conflicts intensify as the country is wracked by political pheavals, culminating in the outbreak of civil war. Amidst the devastation, Ayesha makes her own life choice and the once passive Anu finds a new path into adulthood.

Touching upon themes of religious tolerance, cultural diversity, and the complexity of Islam, The Clay Bird has universal relevance in a crisis-

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Category: Dhallywood ,Tollywood Movies Torrents | Added by: zxtu (2011-09-15)
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