| F I L E I N F O
MoVie NaMe-------[ Priotomeshu (Love And Repulsion) DirecTor---------[ Morshedul islam ReLEASE DaTe-----[ 13/Nov/2009 GeNRe------------[ Drama InfO LiNk--------[ Not Available Rippar-----------[ panjabiwala ViDeo------------[ MPEG-4 Visua|20|1199 Kbps AuDio------------[ AAC|40|128 Kbps RUNTiME----------[ 02:19:03 RESOLUTiON-------[ 720X576 SiZE-------------[ 1.29 GB LANGUAGE---------[ Bangla SUBs-------------[ None SouRce-----------[ DVD PAL OveRall BiT RaTe-[ 1332 Kbps
Synopsis: Nishat
and Pushpa live in neighboring apartments. Soon they make friends.
Nishat, being a bit older than Pushpa, treats Pushpa as her little
sister. Nishat’s husband Zahir is one of the upper echelons of an office
while Rakib, Pushpa’s husband, has an ordinary job. Though Rakib and
Pushpa do not have the means to afford a flat like the one they are
presently putting up, mere generosity of one of their relatives has made
the same available to them provisionally.... Download Torrent